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rECOnstructed Art Competition

rECOnstructed Art heading

rECOnstructed Art Competition 2022

Theme: Anything Goes!

The opening night of the rECOnstructed Art exhibition took place on Friday 11th November at the Museum of the Goldfields. It was a great night attended by the majority of entrants and their guests, to view the artworks and find out the winners! The exhibition is being held in the British Arms Hotel at the museum and is open to the public from 10am – 3pm until Sunday 27th November. Make sure you get in there, check out all of the fabulously reused creations AND vote for the People’s Choice Award! A HUGE thank you to everyone who entered the competition this year.

So, without further ado, the winners of the rECOnstructed Art Competition for 2022 are:

3D Sculpture – Elizabeth McNaughton – Chandelier le Pain
2D Poster/Painting/Collage – Claudia Becker – Esperance
Junior Individual – Hadleigh Hooper – Potted Plastic
Primary School Class – North Kalgoorlie Primary School, Room 9 – Ocean Sunset
High School Class – Goldfields Engagement Centre – It Succs to go to Waste
Community Group – GOSHC Pit Blasters – Good Globe Bad Globe
Encouragement Award – Kash and Kingston Barker – Queen Bee


rECOstructed Winners2022



rECOnstructed Art Competition 2021

The rECOnstructed Art Competition is held annually in November to coicide with National Recycling Week and focuses on the use of landfill destined waste as an art medium. The artworks are varied in style, medium and artist but all focus on waste as a reusable resource not a single use item.

The exhibition is housed at the Museum of the Goldfields in the British Arms Hotel for two weeks where visitors get to vote on the people’s choice award and admire the unique and creative artworks.

3D Sculpture – Mandy Bourke ‘Garden’n Angel’
2D Collage – Gudrun Sahm ‘Seahorse’
Junior Individual – Molly Bartle ‘Dream & Comfort’
Primary Class – Hannans Primary School Mrs Buchanan’s year 2 class ‘Karlkurla Park’
High School Class – Letitia Favas ‘Perspective Reflections’
Community Group – Goldfields Child Care Centre Lullaby Lane Nursery ‘Imaginative Creation’
Peoples Choice –  Hannans Primary School Mrs Buchanan’s year 2 class ‘Karlkurla Park’
Congratulations to Nina whose husband Frank entered her in the raffle for an amazing landscape artwork by local artist Jan Bartle.
Thank you to Jan Bartle for donating your amazing artwork to our organisation for the raffle. We raised $625.00 through raffle tickets and that money will go towards continuing our community engagement projects in 2022.

rECOnstructed Art Competition 2020


Winners of the 2020 rECOnstructed Competition:

High School Class – Eastern Goldfields Education Support Centre ‘Spritely Christmas Tree’

Community Group -Lullaby Lane Nursery GCCC ‘ Busy Hands Creations’

Primary School Class – Pit Blasters ‘Don’t Forget To Wash Your Hands’

Junior Individual – Hazel Murphy ‘BOB’

3D Sculpture – Claudia Becker ‘The Outback Gate’

2D Sculpture – Suzanne Burger ‘Coral Gum Glory’

Peoples Choice – Claudia Becker ‘The Outback Gate’

Encouragement Award – Grace Sutherland ‘The Copper Singer’


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rECOnstructed Art Competition 2019


Winners of the 2019 rECOnstructed Competition:

Goldfields Childcare Centre  “Harry the Dragon” – Community Group (Joint Winner)

Goldfields out of School Hours Centre  “Paper Christmas Tree” – Community Group (Joint Winner)

East Kalgoorlie Primary School – Kangaroo Class “Bush Christmas” – Primary School

Elijah Jones “Clean up Boat” – Junior Individual

Claudia Becker “A Fish Called Dine” – 3D Sculpture 

Suzanne Burger “Bows, Bubbles and Beads” – 3D Sculpture 

Eastern Goldfields College – Year 11’s “Recycled Milk Cartons and Hanging Baskets” – High School

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rECOnstructed Art Competition 2018


Winners of the 2018 rECOnstructed Competition:

Val Adriano   Nonno’s Rocking Horse  – Category 3-D Sculpture (Joint Winner) 

Eugen Winter   Golden Seahorse in a Bottle – Category 3-D Sculpture (Joint Winner) 

Lillian Walters   No Splinters Here  – Category 2-D Collage

Josh Campbell   Recycled Metal Plane –  Category Junior Individual

Hannans Primary School Year 5/6   Wild and Free – Category Primary School

Goldfields Rehabilitation Service    Cartoon Characters  – Category Community Group

Hannan’s Primary School Oceans of Plastic  – Category People’s Choice Award

 Entries Photo

rECOnstructed Art Competition 2017

In November 2017 the Museum of the Goldfields again showcased spectacular artworks from recycled and no longer used materials. The enthusiastic uptake of the competition by the community proved evidence of an increased awareness of the significance of reusing and recycling. Individual winners of the five categories were announced on the exhibition opening night, held on Thursday, 16 November 2017.

Winners of the 2017 rECOnstructed Competition:

Kevin Zanker   Spring Dog  – Category 3-D Sculpture 

Suzanne Burger   Goldfields Memories  – Category 2-D Poster

Georgia Tuia   Summer Tree –  Category Junior Individual (Joint Winner)

Ryder Papandrea   Pikachu Up Your Rubbish – Category Junior Individual (Joint Winner)

East Kalgoorlie Primary School Kangaroo and Echidna Classes   Bush Christmas – Category Primary School (Joint Winner)

North Kalgoorlie Primary School Years 2 and 3   Spirit of the Anzacs  – Category Primary School (Joint Winner)

GIFSA PSO Group   Plastic Sleeping Bag  – Category Community Group


rECOnstructed Art Competition 2016

In its eighth year the reconstructed competition proved to be a full success with the community, with an especially high number of entries and an exceptional high standard of art pieces. The high level of thought and creativity demonstrated by entrants showcased the growing awareness and passion of community members from all age groups and professional backgrounds in regards to recycling and the concept of ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’.

The competition was opened on Friday 11 November 2016 and entries were on display in the Western Australia Museum until 27 November 2016.

Event sponsors included KCGM, the WA Museum, the Kalgoorlie Miner and the Water Corporation, while the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Northern Star also supported the event as KBULG’s core sponsors.

Winners of the 2016 rECOnstructed Competition:

Suzanne Burger   Colours of the Rainbow  –  Category 3-D Sculpture 

Gudrun Sahm   Leftover from the Past  – Category 2-D Poster

Brooklen Dowsen   Bad Dream Machine  –  Category Junior Individual

Wongutha Birni Aboriginal Corporation  Handbags and Hats– Category Community Group

North Kalgoorlie Primary School  Owls  – Category Primary School

Ruth Monk  Refresh for the Tyred  –  People’s Choice Winner

Picture1         rECOnstructed Art Competition Nov 2016

rECOnstructed Art Competition 2015

Coinciding with the national recycling week, KBULG once again invited the community to participate in the Reconstructed Recycled Art Competition and Exhibition. The competition and corresponding exhibition places major emphasis on educating the community, in particular the younger generation, about the importance of recycling by spreading the key message of Re-use, Reduce and Recycle. In 2015 the rECOnstructed Art Competition was again held in November in support of the National Recycling Week 2015 and as in previous years proved to be a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of recycling. The competition, including seven categories with cash prizes for each, attracted some superbly creative pieces of artwork from Kalgoorlie-Boulder residents and participants from nearby areas. For the first time in 2015 competition entries were on display in the Western Australian Museum, resulting in the exciting, educational, and highly visible Arts exhibition being showcased to a wide audience in this popular landmark for visitors and locals alike. The winners of the different categories were announced at the exhibition opening night on Friday, 06 November 2015. Major sponsors included KCGM, the WA Museum and the Kalgoorlie Miner, while KBULG’s core sponsors City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Northern Star and LandCorp also supported the event.

Picture 6 Winner Tayten Dowson

KBULG’s CEO Kim Eckert with 8-year old Tayten Dawson, winner of Category ‘Junior Individual’

Picture 4 Robot

‘Wasted Life’ by St Mary’s Primary School, a very educational display about the excessive timespans involved in rubbish degradation. A crowd favourite and subsequent winner of the ‘People’s Choice Award’.

Picture 5 Winning Entry 2D

”Think about the eco – footprint’ by Lesley Nazzari. Winner of the Category ‘2D Poster/Painting/Collage’ and a wonderful display of the impacts our footprints have on the environment.